Marine vessels are just ships that float on water, they're different from boats because they are larger in size and can hold a massive number of weight unlike the boat.
Vessels have different uses such as:
- Carrying Cargos
- For Cruises
- Carry Electricty (generator)
- Fishing
- Trading
and many more.
There different types of vessels that move in different speeds accoriding to the way they were built, e.g.
This types of ship has a kind of "V" shaped in the front, this helps in the spliting of the water which makes the vessel go faster, and these kind of designs are mainly used in; Cruise ships, Cargo ships and any other vessel that is built for efficiency and speed. This "V" shaped design also helps in the balancing of the ship.
Another type of design use in marine vessels,

this shown in the picture on the right, this ship
has a sort of platform in red which is also pointed, but at the same time rounded, this is
because this kind of ship need more of a firm base for speed, and they also need the firm base so that the ship can stay balanced.
So this kind of design is mostly used for cargo ships and the types of ship and import and export.

2. As group, we looked at different types of marine vessels and thought of which one that could be very productive in the end and which one that could travel and really distance without sinking or loosing balance and also which one can be efficient in terms of speed, even without a motor, so we decided that the best design marine vessel for speed would be the "V" shaped because of it's ability to split the water and travel faster, we also thought that if we bent the platform/base instead of making it flat in would have a lot more balance so we did, and the final product was un believable everything came out as we though it would and the floating and moving of the vessel was successful.
3. While making the vessel, I leant so much about vessels that I didn’t know, especially during the investigation phase, because I didn’t know what was vessels, but now I do, it basically just another word for ships and I also learnt so much during the trip we went as class to a Marine Deck, behind the ferry. It was based on what we were doing in class and helped get the concept of marine vessels and its production.
Plan was one of the easiest stage because our whole group knew what we wanted to do, all we needed to do was to write to down on paper basically, we knew what we wanted to because after that trip all of us got an idea on vessel. So I think the trip was very helpful.
During the design stage, it was very stressful because all of us didn’t know how to use Google sketch. So it was a very difficult time for all of us, especially me because it was my first time using but we eventually got the hang of it.
The create stage was my favorite stage because was really eager to actually create a miniature marine vessel even though we faced some problems we still had a successful product in the end because our marine vessel could float, split water and balance, which I think was job well done.
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